Light theme now available to all

TL;DR: Today we are moving “Light theme” feature out of our PRO plan and making it available to everyone. You can switch it from the profile menu.

Light/dark theme switch in profile menu on top-right

Why the decision? #

We used to reserve the Light theme for our PRO users. Light theme, along with being a cosmetic feature, is an important aspect of accessibility. It can be less eye-straining for some and improve readability for others. Though we focus a lot on accessibility and always strive to make CSSBattle accessible for everyone, we missed here. It took a mail from one of our lovely players to make us realize that accessibility shouldn’t be behind a paywall! Just imagine focus-rings on tabbing elements being given only in PRO plan - No!

We believe that all users should have access to the Light Theme, regardless of whether they are on a paid plan or not, and hence the decision.

What about PRO plan feature set? #

We understand this reduces one feature from the PRO plan feature set. But we have some ideas to replace Light theme with a similar other feature - say, themes! We’ll communicate more in due course.

We are thankful to the player who made us realize our mistake! We will continue to evaluate our product and make changes to ensure that it is accessible to all users.

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