Learn CSS

CSSBattle's LEARN is the first-ever gamified CSS course targeted towards beginners, intermediates, and even experts. Each course consists of multiple levels which you play and learn - just like a game!

This is a lot of fun. Nice interactive way to start learning!
Kevin Powell - CSS Evangelist
Beginner Levels
Beginner LevelsStart your journey here by learning about the basics of CSS and the most commonly used properties


Fun levels

Intermediate Levels
End of Month SALE 🚀
Intermediate LevelsMove a step forward and become a master of layouts with some exciting new fun-filled levels


Fun levels

Expert Levels
Expert LevelsLearn about some advanced CSS concepts, and know when and how to use these techniques
Coming soon!
Completion rate
All courses get free lifetime updates for new and updated levels! The price is exclusive of local taxes.
What's special about CSSBattle courses?
Imagine learning CSS, not through tedious videos or complex articles, but with an exciting, game-like experience. It's a learning adventure where you don't just learn, you play, engage, and absorb knowledge at a rapid-fire pace. It's like turning your grind into a thrilling quest, except the loot you get is tangible CSS prowess! And that is why our courses have a never-seen completion rate of 70%!
Whom is the Basic course for?#

If you have no knowledge of CSS or have just started with learning CSS, CSS Learn Basic is the course for you. You just need a very basic knowledge of HTML, that's it!

🚨 Note: This course won't teach you code-golfing concepts and thus getting better score on CSSBattle. It's meant to learn CSS.

Whom is the Intermediate course for?#

If you have some knowledge of CSS and want to learn more to get ready for the professional world, CSS Learn Intermediate is the course for you.

🚨 Note: This course won't teach you code-golfing concepts and thus getting better score on CSSBattle. It's meant to learn CSS.

What do I get to learn in the courses?#

The chapters of each course are outlined above.

Can I try the courses before buying?#

Yes, we have a FREE chapter to try. Just hit the "Demo" button in the course tiles above. Note: It's the same demo chapter in both the courses, so click and try any.

Is this a subscription or one-time cost?#

You have to pay one-time for lifetime access to the course.

Is there some bulk-purchase or team discount?#

We can figure something out. Message us on our mail.

I have some other question#

Sure, let us know on our mail.

Hear it from the best
This is a great way for beginners to learn CSS! Anything that adds gamification and entices people to go deeper without feeling like a "chore" is a great thing!
Kirupa - Founder of Kirupa.com
A very interactive course compared to those available from other providers, which feel more like lectures. With an interactive and in-browser embedded coding environment, what more could you ask for? I highly recommend this course to beginners or even coders with some experience who are trying to get back into CSS!
Dhhyey Desai - Online Instructor (500K+ Students)

Thanks to this succinct CSS course I have now been using some of the less used features of CSS like flex-grow: 1. I have finally used inset after trying it a few times and going back to the top, right, bottom and left properties instead. The same is true of the ch unit which I have used several times now and has proven very useful, for container queries in particular. There is also a section on overflow which was really amazing as it is a topic that I usually managed to avoid!

This is a very interactive tutorial which encourages you to engage with the material and also has quizzes to ensure that you conceptually understand the subject, which with CSS I personally think is crucial! So give this tutorial a go and learn much more than just the subjects mentioned above.

Coinnich - Student
How is this course different?

Code all-along

It's not your usual read or watch. You get to code all along.


Understand & Advance

You play through gamified levels, progressing only when you clear the current level.



Tons of quizzes to ensure you understand & practice the concepts.

From our course takers...
The course is fresh and fast, it allows you to refresh your memory on parts of CSS that you now take for granted." -
Alys - UI Designer
The best way to break out tutorial hell by actually practicing! And it is quite fun, which makes it even better.
Ralph Pastel - Product manager
This was the most enjoyable way to learn (and relearn) CSS in the right way. I can't wait for the expert levels!
Gustavo Milczwski - Tech lead
The course was a lot of fun. When I finished I was sad that it was over. I already had a basic understanding of css but brushing up on it was still fun and engaging.
Joshua - Student