Privacy and Terms
Last Updated:
Let's try to keep things simple here, shall we?
CSSBattle is an online game where players write HTML and CSS to visually replicate targets.
- When you login, CSSBattle stores your email ID and profile picture. Your profile picture is public on the website.
When you start playing, CSSBattle stores 2 types data: Game data & Profile data.
Game data includes: user's code submissions, scores, purchases made, friends added. Out of this, only the user scores are public.
Profile data includes: username, profile picture, social account URLs, country, 'Available for hire' status. This information is only stored if user fills it out. This data is public.
- Your email ID is only used for authentication and is not shared with anyone at all.
- This website uses Google Analytics to track aggregated statistics like total pageviews, total submissions. No user identifiable data is tracked.
- A user can at any time request for their account & data to be removed from the website.
- CSSBattle website works strictly over HTTPS to provide you a secured environment.
- Your submitted source codes are secured and no other player can access them, unless you submit on a "Open Target" or a "Daily Target"